Corporate Information

01.When was Star Micronics founded?

In July 1950.

02.When was Star Micronics’ share listed in the Tokyo Stock Exchange?

Listed on the First Section of the Market in October 1990.
The Company shifted to the prime market due to the market restructuring of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in April 2022.

03.What are Star Micronics’ business segments?

Star Micronics is engaged in two businesses; Special Products, Machine Tools. For details, please see here.

Financial Information

01.When is the fiscal term?

It is the end of December, but we announce financial results every quarter. For the schedule, please see here.

02.What are Star Micronics’ latest financial results?

Please see here.

03.Where can the information of past performance financial results be found?

Please see here.

Stock Information

01.What is Star Micronics' stock code?

It is 7718.

02.Is there a shareholder special benefit plan?

No, there isn’t.

03.When is the decision date for dividend payments?

The decision date of year-end dividend is the December 31 and interim dividend is June 30. For historical data on dividends, please see here.


01.Where can I learn about Star Micronics’ sustainability activities?

Star Micronics is engaged in sustainability activities with the aim of proving worthy of society’s trust and contributing as a global corporate citizen. For details, please see here.

02.Can you tell me the contact point for IR inquiries?

Please direct your inquiries to this email address: ir@star-m.jp